Corporate Insurance

Complete, integrated and smart management of insurance programs.

The support to large corporations is one of the highlights in the work of the Interbrok Group, which plans, enables and manages insurance operations with great success and credibility for important brands in different industries.

The key to this success is the provision of a distinctive service under the Tailor Made Concept. Starting from a deep understanding of the particularities of the operations and assets of each client, a multidisciplinary team of specialists comes up with the ideal setup for their policies.

The corporate clients of the Interbrok Group have, throughout the term of the policies, permanent assistance from a specialized account manager for a closer, proactive and result-oriented relationship.

Learn more:

Property Insurance


Cargo Transportation & Storage


Management of Insurance Programs

Accidents & Claims

Learn more:

Property Insurance


Cargo Transportation & Storage


Management of Insurance Programs

Accidents & Claims